Our Services
We work in and around Hertfordshire, the Home Counties and Greater London.
We renovate properties in poor condition, rewiring, replumbing, replastering and replacing outdated features. We also replace the bathrooms, kitchen and bedroom storage units. External works include painting, repalcement windows and doors as well as organizing overgrown gardens. All tecnhical works such as electrical and plumbing are always certified.
Buying properties
Our main focus is buying property in probate with cash; the condition often requires a partial or complete renovation. As well as renovating the property we will extend leaseholds so that the properties can be mortgaged again.
Profit share renovation
If you have inherited a property in the South East of the UK through probate or are an administrator do get in touch as we can provide an estimate for the renovation before sale. We also consider funding the project for a higher profit share of the increased sale value instead of a flat fee. Most mid and small size properties can be renovated within a few months.
Management Team
HAV Building Services is operated by an experienced management team as well as professional technicians